Джон Пагано


Год Название Роль
2015 Legends & Lies Captain Preston
2011 Up from Slavery
2011 Mr Lincoln's Army: Fighting Brigades of the Army of the Potomac
2011 Mr Lincoln's Army: Fighting Brigades of the Army of the Potomac сопродюсер
2011 Mr Lincoln's Army: Fighting Brigades of the Army of the Potomac Union Sergeant
2010 Shadow in the Valley: The Battle of Chickamauga
2008 Gettysburg: Darkest Days & Finest Hours
2008 Gettysburg: Darkest Days & Finest Hours
2007 Yorktown: Battle for Victory Sapper
2006 No Retreat from Destiny: The Battle That Rescued Washington
2006 No Retreat from Destiny: The Battle That Rescued Washington
2006 Случай на мосту через Совиный ручей, или Истории Амброза Бирса о Гражданской войне Captain of the Guard (segment 'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge')
2005 Новый Свет British Soldier, в титрах не указан
2005 An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge First Lieutenant
2004 Preylien: Alien Predators
2004 Discovery: 100 великих открытий Dr. William Morton
2003 Вива ля Бэм Confederate Soldier
2002 Костер войны Confederate Major
2000 Far, Far from Home: Music and Camp Scenes from the War Between the States
2000 Antietam: A Documentary Drama Col. Eugene Duryea
1996 Андерсонвилль Union Prisoner, в титрах не указан