Бейзил Эммотт


Год Название Роль
1965 Проклятие мухи
1965 The Return of Mr. Moto
1965 Чувствуйте себя как дома
1964 Walk a Tightrope
1963 Наслаждайся жизнью
1963 Завтра в десять
1962 Нарисованная улыбка
1962 Strongroom
1962 The Break
1961 Ветер перемен
1961 Rag Doll
1961 Touch of Death
1961 Предел
1961 Глубины мрака
1960 The Enemy General
1958 Битва на В-1
1958 I Was Monty's Double
1957 Town on Trial
1957 The Long Haul
1956 Wicked as They Come
1956 Soho Incident
1956 Home and Away
1956 Johnny You're Wanted
1955 Track the Man Down
1955 Cross Channel
1955 Where There's a Will
1955 Джо Макбет
1955 Secret Venture
1954 The Green Buddha
1949 Paper Orchid
1948 Чертовски холодный
1947 The Master of Bankdam
1945 The Man from Morocco
1944 It Happened One Sunday
1944 Time Flies
1944 Bell-Bottom George
1943 The Peterville Diamond
1943 Miss London Ltd.
1943 It's That Man Again
1942 Flying Fortress
1942 This Was Paris
1942 The Seventh Survivor
1941 Премьер-министр
1941 Паром через Атлантику
1940 His Brother's Keeper
1940 George and Margaret
1940 The Briggs Family
1940 Murder Will Out
1940 Dr. O'Dowd
1940 That's the Ticket
1940 Hoots Mon
1940 The Good Old Days
1939 The Nursemaid Who Disappeared
1939 A Gentleman's Gentleman
1938 The Return of Carol Deane
1938 Thank Evans
1938 They Drive by Night
1938 Many Tanks Mr. Atkins
1938 Quiet Please
1938 Everything Happens to Me
1937 You Live and Learn
1937 The Man Who Made Diamonds
1937 The Perfect Crime
1937 The Vulture
1936 Коричневый бумажник
1936 Twelve Good Men
1936 Hail and Farewell
1936 Корона против Стивенса
1936 Educated Evans
1935 Убийство в Монте-Карло
1935 Man of the Moment
1935 Девушка в толпе
1935 So You Won't Talk
1935 Mr. Cohen Takes a Walk
1935 Преступление безгранично
1935 Widow's Might
1935 Когда-нибудь
1935 The Black Mask
1934 Leave It to Blanche
1934 Кое-что всегда случается
1934 A Glimpse of Paradise
1933 I Adore You
1933 Маленькая мисс Никто
1933 High Finance
1933 Из прошлого
1933 The Thirteenth Candle
1933 Naughty Cinderella
1933 Mr. Quincey of Monte Carlo
1932 Жилец
1932 In a Monastery Garden
1932 When London Sleeps
1932 Frail Women
1932 The Missing Rembrandt
1930 The Great Game
1929 The Co-Optimists
1929 Le mystère de la villa rose
1929 Рыбачьи суда
1928 Sailors Don't Care
1924 The Colleen Bawn
1924 The Eleventh Commandment
1923 Молодой Лохинвар
1922 Rob Roy
1921 The Way of a Man
1920 Branded